Addiction Counseling | Unlock These Five Reversals In Your Life

Since you are researching addiction counseling, then you have decided it’s time for a change in your life. For that reason, today, we will discuss 5 reversals or changes you can expect. Ultimately, it is our hope you make the choice to reach out and reverse the patterns of addiction in your life.

Understand Your ‘Why’ with Addiction Counseling

When we make changes without understanding the negative motivations or unmet needs that drive us, relapse is a threat. Addiction counseling guides us to the reasons why we make choices that destroy. It also helps us understand why our addictions gained so much control.

Ultimately, we are able to reverse these negative choices with ‘whys’ that are powerful enough to help us make positive choices. Then, our positive choices pave the way to the life we deserve.

Retrain Your Brain

Part of discovering our ‘why’ lies in identifying our triggers. Triggers include things like boredom, anxiety, fear, or stress. These triggers unleash ‘tapes’ or thoughts that drive us towards negative behaviors. Addiction counseling helps you identify negative self-talk that leads to destructive patterns. More importantly, you can unleash the power of positive responses to these triggers. These new responses will fuel your relationships and habits to a better life. More about this:

Gain and Restore Relationships

If you are caught in addiction, you know its destructive power is most painfully felt in your relationships. Addictions destroy marriages. Regrettably, addiction tears parent and child apart. As a result, addiction is a disease of the lonely. It does this by pulling us away from the people we need most.

Addiction therapy recognizes this. If you feel you are not at a place to restore what is broken, counseling can help you build new, healthy relationships. In time, these new relationships will become the strong foundation you need to stand on as you restore what has been broken.

Exchange Negative Behaviors for Blessings

To this point, we have identified how addiction counseling helps us identify our triggers and the broken relationships they fuel and, sometimes, are fueled by them. Now, it is time to talk about trading bad habits for blessings!

For example: stress is your trigger for drinking. In a previous session you told your counselor, “I have always been interested in bird watching.” As a result, she encourages you to join the Audubon Society. Soon, you are going on weekly outings identifying species in the area parks. Following your second trip you have a conversation with a fellow birder who works for a company that needs someone with your skill set. In addition, 3 months later, you go to the doctor and discover you have lost 10 pounds and no longer qualify as pre-diabetic because of your walks in the park.

As a result of unlocking one trigger, you reverse it and gain so much power. You explore your love of nature. New friendships open doors that reduce work stress. Furthermore, your health is better. Finally, you soon discover that a second trigger, boredom, is no longer a threat!


One of our clients’ favorite rewards of addiction counseling is reversing the role of secrets in their life.

Addiction counseling reverses secrets. One of the most destructive things about addiction is all the secrets that can’t be spoken. Through focused behavioral therapy, clients who hid in the darkness of pain and confusion only months before receive the tools to live openly in their truth.

Without a doubt, unlocking your true self is one of the greatest benefits of addiction counseling! This world needs the one and only you. One of our greatest passions is seeing clients unlock their full potential. Above all, you living your authentic life is priceless!

Unlock the Power of Addiction Counseling Today

Ready to take the next step?

Call 502-451-1221 or email and our addiction counseling team will determine the most effective treatment programs and services to help reclaim your life from addiction.

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